how gay are you

Complete the following statement: A well-written paragraph should ________ a. focus on a single, coherent idea. b. consist of logically connected sentences. c. Both a and b 2. How long should a paragraph be? a. Every paragraph should be at least five sentences long. b. Good paragraphs must be at least one page long. c. It's okay for paragraphs to vary in length. 3. Which statement about paragraph length is TRUE? a. In written dialogue, start a new paragraph with each new speaker. b. Use short paragraphs when you are analyzing complex ideas or data. c. Use long paragraphs when you are presenting facts in a technical manual.

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? i think u r sexy as hell get in my bed now you bum boy borat style

Created by: louis wilson

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  8. are you gay
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Quiz topic: How gay am I