how funny are you?

This quiz will test how funny you are, the questions should be simple and easy. Have fun and don't worry if your score is low, just come back after some practice, and retake

To find out how funny you are, answer these simple questions please answer honestly and have fun! the questions give us information to help us score. :)

Created by: Eliza
  1. Are you a generally positive person?
  2. Do people laugh at your jokes?
  3. What is your favourite colour?
  4. Can you tell jokes and riddles in a fun and exciting way?
  5. do you understand the jokes you are telling?
  6. Do you like telling jokes?
  7. Do people want to hear your jokes?
  8. Do you know lots of jokes?
  9. Do YOU think your jokes are funny?
  10. Can you remember your jokes well?

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Quiz topic: How funny am I?
