Are you a genius?

Answer these questions if you are a real genius you would get 90% or100% .If not you need to improve a lot. Every time when you take a quiz or a test . One thing you must remember is to think positive and do your best. Don't cry if you fail. You can retake the quiz.

Take this quiz when you get bored.No problem 😊 if you fail. You many opportunities to win.Practice makes perfect. Please don't forget to rate. Share your results to your friends,family and recommend them to take the quiz.Let us see are you really a genius.

Created by: Nirupama
  1. Who invented microscope?
  2. What is the capital of India?
  3. When did the Britishers come to India?
  4. Who discovered the sea route to India?
  5. What is the meaning of Autobahns in Germany?
  6. The word 'Mapo' is derived from _________ language
  7. When was America discovered?
  8. Who is queen elizabeth's son?
  9. David Copperfield was written by
  10. Solve this riddle?When I am dirty I am white but when I am clean I am blackWhat am I?

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Quiz topic: Am I a genius?

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