How Fluffy Would You Be As A Cat

The idea of this quiz is you can choose how you want to live for a day, and it will tell you how fluffy you would be as a cat. This quiz mentions fish and shellfish a lot of times so if you don't like fish and shellfish, don't take this quiz.

Do not take this quiz if not getting the fluffiest result would make you sad. This quiz was not designed to make you sad. This quiz was designed for people who won't get sad if they get a result they didn't want.

Created by: FluffyKitten9
  1. You wake up to the sound of rain falling. You have things to do, but your bed is so comfortable! What do you do?
  2. What will you have for breakfast?
  3. You are VERY bored and need something to do. What do you do?
  4. It is lunch time! What will you have for lunch?
  5. A very cute seal knocks on your door and asks you to give him a fish. Do you give him the fish?
  6. You decide to draw a picture for fun. What do you draw?
  7. What will you have for dinner?
  8. You feel a very strong urge to roll around on the floor. Do you resist this urge?
  9. What are you going to do to calm down before you go to sleep?
  10. What time will you go to sleep?

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