How fat are you quiz(FOR MALE ONLY)

Abs might be everybody's favourite.Some people loves being fat.I want to have a flat stomach with slight abs.Some people went plastic surgery just to get abs!

If you want to get fat,just eat a lot of bad food.McDonalds is good for being fat.I recommend you this.Weight doesn't matter!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: isaac
  1. Sit down and lean to the front.How many flabs are they?
  2. How much fat can you grab from your tummy?
  3. Can you play with your tummy?
  4. Stand up straight.Can you see your whole feet?
  5. Often eaten snacks?
  6. Can you run 3 miles without stopping?
  7. Innie or outie?
  8. How much exercise every day?
  9. Do some jumping jacks.Did your tummy jiggle?
  10. What do you think you are going to get?

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Quiz topic: How fat am I quiz(FOR MALE ONLY)
