How fat are you (for people who want to be fat)

Hello Pearson taking this quiz I’m here to tell you some things about this quiz 1 you cannot take this quiz wile staying still 2 this quiz is for people that want to be fat 3 please give as accurate answers as you can or else it won’t say right

Anyways that’s all you need to know if your fat I love you and you can always be more Plump anyways thank you for taking this quiz now you can scroll down

Created by: MidnightFatty
  1. First question what’s your weight
  2. Ok now I wan you to stand up and grab your belly how much can you grab
  3. Ok still standing look down what do you see
  4. Bend over what do you see
  5. Now sit down look at your belly how many fat roals are there
  6. Now lie down what do you see
  7. Now questions you don’t have to do anything for how many meals do you eat a day (without snacks
  8. How many snacks do you eat a day
  9. What’s your motablism
  10. What’s your BMI
  11. What do you think you are
  12. Do you actually want to be fat
  13. Last question did you like the quiz (no change)

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Quiz topic: How fat am I (for people who want to be fat)

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