How Fat Are You

There are only a selected few to the closed door faction that is the OVERWEIGHT EMPIRE how fat are and for that matter how well do you know us, ANSWER TRUTHFULLY DON"T LIE YOU WILL ONLY BE CHEATING YOURSELF

Take this simple quiz to see how you measure up are you true owe? or are you just some dikfore< this quiz will expose all . I cannot stress enough to answer all questions truthfully and honestly the yeilds will tell you what you are

Created by: Mike Shoe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The Tv Remote Is just Out Of Your Reach as you lay on the couch Do you??
  2. You Laundry has piled so high you are now out of clothes Do you ?
  3. Party Time. do you
  4. How Many Charter Members Are there??
  5. Do you Tivo or DVR?
  6. The Last time you were in a gym was?
  7. Your Real weight is
  8. Will you take a road trip for the sole purpose of eatting? road trip being a ride of over at least 25 miles
  9. your car??
  10. GCW is/was?
  11. Do you know the story that was told to the uninvolved ( parents doctors etc) when wrecka was burned

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Quiz topic: How Fat am I