what is your star wars ship

star wars has always been a favorite of mine, and I personally like the empire. this quiz will inform you what ship you would have in the star wars universe.

the empire is a powerful faction that rose from the republic after the republic and separatist war. the republic was the first faction, and where the star destroyers original form, the venator came from. the rebellion is a small faction that rose to fight the empire with what ships they have.

Created by: charlie luedtke
  1. which side do you prefer?
  2. what is your favorite color?
  3. would you rather stop a fight, start a fight, or stay out of the fight.
  4. what is your favorite type of ship?
  5. choose one.
  6. choose one.
  7. are you enjoying this quiz so far?
  8. are you bored
  9. do you like star wars?
  10. choose one

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Quiz topic: What is my star wars ship

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