How faithful are you

There are many evil spirit, some of them target humans and attack their faith. Some of us don't have faith while others have faith. Me, Chad, is a guy that will (feel sorry and) will test you.

Sorry sonny but you have already clicked on here so there's no such thing as MISSION ABORT1111111. Anyways, enjoy the quiz and prove that you are faithful, or not.

Created by: ??????
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you eat melons?
  2. How often you watch YouTube?
  3. Have you ever been possessed before?
  4. What's your name?
  5. Do you like gospel song?
  6. Do you want to have kids?
  7. Do you smoke some crack?
  8. Hi.
  9. You feel awkward right now?
  10. ONE LAST QUESTION Do you believe magic?

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Quiz topic: How faithful am I