How experienced are you in computers?

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Created by: jonasrhee1208
  1. Are 2*8 ram cards better than a 1*16 ran card?
  2. Choose the best CPU out of all of these.
  3. Choose the best graphics card out of all of these.(Also if you thought these are chipsets, they are official graphics cards made by Nvidia & AMD)
  4. What was the 1st processer that Intel made?
  5. What is the 1st processer AMD made?
  6. What is the 1st OS made?
  7. What is the 1st CPU made?
  8. What is the 1st GPU made?
  9. What are the only choices when it comes to a gaming CPU?
  10. Which company made a crypto mining graphics card?

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Quiz topic: How experienced am I in computers?
