Computer and IT quizz

This is the age of IT and computers. In every field of life computers and IT have their contribution. Only those people can survive in this age of technology who have a strong foothold on IT and computer technologies.

Just take this quizz and you will be able to know your worth and all the knowledge of IT and computers that you have.Take the quizz and know whether you are an IT genius, A grooming IT student or just a poor minnow. Take every question seriously and evaluate and assess your mental capablities. so don't hesitate, just start it!!!

Created by: Ajmal Abbasi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which part of computer is called as the brain of computer?
  2. Which of the following is true about MS word?
  3. Which of the following devices is purely related to networking?
  4. Which of the following has a serial communication mode?
  5. Which of the following is purely object oriented programming language?
  6. What is the minimam KBPS(Kilo bytes per second) speed required to visit a graphics oriented website?
  7. Which of the following is known as primary storage place for data?
  8. RAM's memory is called:
  9. Window's XP/2000/Vista/98 etc. have:
  10. First computer of computer history was:

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