How Well do you know The Big Bang Theory?

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There are many types of TV viewers. The chronic TIVOer who never misses an episode, the channel changer who catches blips here and there while the show they're actually watching is having a commercial break, the When My Work Schedule Allows It viewer. Which are you?

My favorite show on TV right now is The Big Bang Theory. I've even memorized some of the lines, and that amount of geekiness is exactly what the characters of The Big Bang Theory would love. But how well do you know Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, Howard, and Penny?

Created by: Sallie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper hails from what great state?
  2. Howard Wolowitz' short time girlfriend from season three is...
  3. Leonard and Sheldon argue in season two episode nine about presenting a paper. This episode ends with them going crazy on each other, but what was their paper about?
  4. Penny hales from what what city in Nebraska?
  5. Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali has gotten lucky twice during these three seasons. Do you remember which episodes?
  6. Leslie Winkle works at the university with the boys... but with whom does she actually work?
  7. What real life scientist has guest starred on the Big Bang Theory?
  8. We all know that Sheldon's nemesis is the EVIL WIL WHEATON, but this actor found fame on what show?
  9. Sheldon found a possible soulmate one the season three finale. This actress also holds a a PhD in Neuroscience, but on what show did she find fame?
  10. In the Bath Item Gift Hypothesis, Leonard received motorcycle lessons, Penny a box of science experiments, but what did Sheldon get?
  11. What was the name of the boy's killer robot?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I know The Big Bang Theory?