How easily offended are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How easily offended are you?
Aww hehehehe! School sucks so much.
It was Giggle's birthday on the 11th of this month!! =D Can you believe it?! It's been a year!
I don't know if you'll ever come back here but I just wanted to say I'm sorry
I swear I love you so much and the last thing I want is to hurt you. But I guess I'm just that f---ed up that I hurt you. I swear on my life I'm not lying when I say I can't live without you. It's just that.. these fights tear me apart.
You're lying aren't you?
I'm so happy you're back =) I seriously missed you alot. *hugs and kisses*
Why were you busy?
Yeah me too(about you) you're the best person I've ever talked to. I'm not joking =)
Oh It's okay. But still I didn't know you were sad and mad, really. Are you okay now? *hugs back*
Yeah. I just realized how I never once had a nightmare in my life. Wait i think I've had one but that's it.
It's Valentine's day I can do this >=} *keeps hugging and kisses you again*
Oh yeah I couldn't
Don't worry bout it.
Merry. Lisa. Helen. >=} (I loved it before I met you, then after meeting you it became my fav =] )
Oh I think I know why that happened: It's because your bar thingy went down(It messed up). Oh well
(DARRRNN. Yeah I know right?! ChuckyTV!)
Aw that's so sweet =)) I'll check it out.Oh there are a lot of great songs that remind me of you. Actually, there's no need to "remind" me of you. You're always in there, on my my BRAIN CELLS!!
Lucky. Seriously, we've been having exams since the second week of school e_e
(YAYSheFoundAG uyCrush! Thank God~)
Oh I don't have exams yet. I am not looking forward to it.
Heh I seriously messed up my physics exam. Then I starting laughing at it like a freak! It was HARRRD. STUPID SPECIAL TALENTS s--- SCHOOL.HAHAHAHA ...Oh here we go again e_e
I wonder...that's kind of scary. What do you mean it looks like your physics teacher? Is it ugly?
Yeah go ahead.
Ugh my room's the hottest room in the house (in summer) and it's the coldest room in winter. =/ Is it cold there?
Did that really happen?? That's too funny. >=}
O_o Dammit, Think more.
Cheese?? Hahaha
Hello,Dear. =]
Well neither do I. She has to live with that. e_e They yell at me so much that It doesn't make me sad anymore. =] That's good!
I missed talking to you too. In fact it feels like we haven't talked in a while