How Do Others Describe You?

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You may think you are mean, or sweet. But are you? What do people think of you? Obnoxious, happy? Find out here!

You may get a bad score, but try try again! Don't let your score get you down! Your awesome for reading this because I never read these! And most people don't!

Created by: SunnyDay

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you get a wrong answer on a test, maybe more, you
  2. Someone by accidentally trips say
  3. A total geek asks you say
  4. Your in line for lunch when someone cuts. You say
  5. Your friend says to you at recess "Hey...I promised I'd play tag with Lily." You say
  6. You are opening your ranch cup at lunch, when you drop it and it lands on your pants. You say
  7. You need to use the restroom, so you raise your hand. You ask and the teacher says not now. You say
  8. Your bored, and the only thing to do is play a boring video game, like learning math or something. You
  9. Your brother/sister/mom/dad likes this HORRIBLE SONG, like Convoy or whatever. You are in the car, so there's no escaping. you say
  10. 1-10, how good will your score be? (No effect)
  11. So...sup?
  12. ...

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