How Dirty Minded Are You? (Crush Edition)

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This quiz is to see how dirty minded you are when it comes to daydreaming about your crush. You could either be very gross, a sweet kid, or something in between!

The first 5 questions show scenarios you might think of when daydreaming about your crush. If you click 'other,' it won't affect your score. Don't click anything gross. Aim for a low score. The other 5 questions don't affect your score, and you will try to guess what your crush would say. Have fun pookies!

Created by: crybaby lol
  1. Scenario: You're stuck in a small closet with your crush. What do you do?
  2. Scenario: You're late to class and you crash into them. All of their stuff falls on the ground. What do you do?
  3. Scenario: You see your crush getting bullied or teased. What do you do?
  4. Scenario: You are walking with your friends in the schoolyard and a ball flies to your face. Apparently, your crush accidentally threw it at you. What do you do?
  5. Last Scenario: 10 years later, you are a successful entrepreneur and you still like your crush. Both of you are single and they become your assistant. What do you do?
  6. Scenario: You're stuck in a small closet with your crush. What do THEY do?
  7. Scenario: You're late to class and you crash into them. All of their stuff falls on the ground. What do THEY do?
  8. Scenario: You see your crush getting bullied or teased. What do THEY do?
  9. Scenario: You are walking with your friends in the schoolyard and a ball flies to your face. Apparently, your crush accidentally threw it at you. What do THEY do?
  10. Last Scenario: 10 years later, you are a successful entrepreneur and you still like your crush. Both of you are single and they become your assistant. What do THEY do?

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Quiz topic: How Dirty Minded am I? (Crush Edition)
