How degenerate are you

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I got really bored so i made this s---. Why i took time out of my day is beyond me but hey you took your worthless time to take the quiz. God damn degenerate

Anyway its a short quiz because 1. I do have other s--- to do 2. It was made for s---s and giggles 3. I hope to f--- you aren't enough of a degenerate to take so long on a quiz.

Created by: Apollo
  1. Which number is funniest
  2. Have you ever eaten someones meat and 2 veg
  3. Finnish the sentence. “Suck my…
  4. Finnish the sentence “macaroni in a pot that a…
  5. What are handcuffs for
  6. What come to mind when i say “the hub”
  7. What is a kink
  8. Why did my wife leave
  9. Who came first the chicken or the egg
  10. What is a cock

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Quiz topic: How degenerate am I

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