How Cuban Are You?

Have you ever wondered exactly how Cuban you are? If that's the case, than this is the perfect quiz for you! Answering the 14 questions in this quiz will give you the answer you are looking for!

If you do bad on this quiz, don't worry! It's just an online quiz, so although it may be very close, it will not always be 100% accurate. If you do good on this quiz, then congratulate yourself and go celebrate!

Created by: Raymond Puentes
  1. You are a high school senior and you get two scholarships. One is from Hialeah Polytechnical Institute, and the other one is Harvard University. Which one do you pick?
  2. You and your friends want to go to whatever restaurant, and they want you to pick. Which restaurant do you pick?
  3. You are set up on a blind date, and all you know are the names of two girls that could definitely be on the date. Which one do you pick?
  4. You are set up on a blind date, and all you know are the names of two guys that could definitely be on the date. Which one do you pick?
  5. You are stranded and walking in a desert. Fortunately, you arrive at a bar 7 hours later, and you are really thirsty. What do you ask for?
  6. Do you like croquetas?
  7. Where is Cuba located?
  8. You walk into a restaurant, and you see four tables, which one do you sit at?
  9. Do you have a friend named Lazaro?
  10. You get hit really hard, what is the first thing you yell?
  11. When you say goodbye to your friends, what do you say?
  12. What is your description of "Pitbull"?
  13. Can you share your tostada with me?
  14. It's 75 degrees. How do you dress?

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Quiz topic: How Cuban am I?
