How cringey are you?

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Being weird and cringey is a gift. It is a gateway to being your funny, loud, amazing self! People often see being weird as a bad thing, but it's not! Being weird is awesome!

But are YOU weird? Lots of people think they are, but are you? Take this quiz and find out! Remember to post your result in the comments and check out my other quizzes! And most importantly, stay weird!

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Sorry about the last two questions. They were mandatory 😭
  2. Let's get started! When in the shopping centre aisle, do you randomly start dancing?
  3. Do you cry during Disney/Pixar movies?
  4. What do you do during lunch breaks?
  5. Do you use/like made-up words? (E.g. qwerty, flamboodle, asdfghjkl)
  6. Do people call/refer to you as weird?
  7. Choose your favourite outfit.
  8. Are you an Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo or Cancer?
  9. Favourite dance move?
  10. If you saw a slug on your device, what would you think?
  11. If a monster turned up in your bedroom what would you say?
  12. What would you do if you became president of the world?
  13. You go to jail for attempting to rob a bank. What do you do?
  14. Thanks for taking this quiz! Rate it a green smiley face and remember to check out my other quizzes! Byeee!

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Quiz topic: How cringey am I?