How Crazy are You?

There are cold, cool,crazy and insane people out there? but do you wonder where do i fall in place? take this quiz to find out are you 0%,25%,50%, or even 100%?

so, are you crazy,are you,cold,are you,cool or are you insane? there is only one way to find out is youve been lying to your self, and that way is to take this quiz

Created by: zoe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you do for fun
  2. are you friends with boys or girls?
  3. how many friends do you have? (parents and siblings dont count)
  4. has anyone ever said "no way that idea is insane,crazy,dangerous ect.?
  5. how often do you hang out with your friends?
  6. are your friends crazy?
  7. how often do you get in trouble for disobeying your parents and doing whatever you want?
  8. have you ever regreted doing some thing you knew was insane but did it anyway?
  9. do you think your crazy?
  10. how would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Crazy am I?