How Crazy are You

Ever wondered how crazy you are? take this quiz to find out. You might be a bit surprised with what the answers are and how crazy YOU are!!! take this quiz now!

Are YOU crazy? do you have mental problems or are you just crazy or are you normal? Until now you will never find out... In a few minutes if you take this quiz you WILL find out...

Created by: Horse
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do if you see a squirrel
  2. What do you do if you see candy on the ground
  3. what job do you want when you grow up?
  4. Who are your friends
  5. you have no clean clothes and school starts in 5 minutes. what do you do?
  6. if your friend orders a gun what do you do?
  7. Were are you most likely found?
  8. how often do you talk to yourself?
  9. if you saw a horse in a dich what would you do?
  10. pick a number

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Quiz topic: How Crazy am I