how crazy are you

Some people are average, some are insane. I'm an expert when it comes to being crazy. Some people are not sure if they are wild. Some would like to kniw if they are normal or not.

That's why I am here. In just a few minutes you will know just how wild and weird you are. Put on ur seatbelts on cus this is gonna be a CRAZY ride!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy

Created by: natalia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do ever make up ur own words
  2. Do you change the sound of words
  3. Saploorapazes!!!!!!!
  4. Out of these choices which is ur fav animal
  5. If there were 5 different wires which would u snip
  6. Pick one
  7. Hiw do YOU spell the word crazy
  8. Pick a face
  9. Which is ur fav color
  10. What does slurd mean
  11. Last one. Out of these is ur fav word
  12. Tricked u. This is the last one. Which us ur fav one
  13. Ok now it's the last one I promise. Did u like this quiz.

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I