How crazy are you?

This Quis is to know if your crazy or not! if u are then u might as well go along and have some fun as long as ur not killing someone like a mass murderer!

Are you crazy? Will u talk to a complete stranger? Do u like to send emails tto yourself? find out in the, are you crazy quiz! Good luck with it! sincerely the creator!

Created by: Amythest280
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever yelled at your pet?
  2. Have you ever talked to a hobo?
  3. Have you ever sent a creepy letter to yourself?
  4. Do you think your crazy?
  5. Have you ever eaten mayo out of a jar?
  6. Do you love to eat veggies?
  7. Will you ever jump off a biulding?
  8. Have you ever locker yourself in your own room without a key!
  9. Do you love Justin Bieber?
  10. Will you ver talk to your dad about guys?

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I?