How Crazy Are Your Friends?

Theyre are my different type of friends. What kind do you have? The normal kind? the crazy kind? Well, youre just going to have to take this quiz to find out!

Have you ever wondered if you friends were crazy? do you THINK theyre crazy? Are you friends as crazy as mine? Take this quiz to find out if you friends are normal or truely insane.

Created by: glambert

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You go over to your friends party and watch a movie, you start to cry because in the movie some girl gets her finger cut of! your friends...
  2. You come to school and open your locker. A note falls out and its from your friends, it says...
  3. describe your friends in 1 word
  4. You give your friend the silent treatment as a joke. Your friend...
  5. Your making a quiz and you friend wants to take it. They ask if its done yet and you say no. they...
  6. Your sitting in class and you feel something bounce off your head. its something your friend threw at you. it is...
  7. Its your birthday! Your friends get you...
  8. You spray water at your friends. Your friend...
  9. In english class your friend...
  10. Where do you friends get there jokes?

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Quiz topic: How Crazy am Ir Friends? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Friendship Quiz category.