How Corby Are You?

Corby, the greatest Scottish town which is not actually in Scotland! But did you grow up here? Do you live there now? How much do you actually know about the place?

QI once featured the town in an episode - but could you have been a contestant? Would you have had anything Quite Interesting to say about the place? Take the challenge to see if you are the greatest Corby resident ever!!

Created by: amazon

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  1. Who's Videos?
  2. The Frying...
  3. You could get records in...
  4. Stewart & ...?
  5. Mad...
  6. Channel...
  7. Hawkins & ...?
  8. The Raven used to be called...
  9. The "____" Mob
  10. What was converted into a climbing frame at the West Glebe Park?
  11. The urban legend about neighbouring Kettering was that one of their residents got up to "shenanigans" with what animal?
  12. You could get an Irn Bru Ice Cream Float from...
  13. The best (well, only) musical instrument shop in town was on...
  14. It's now called Willowbrook Health Centre but we know it better as...
  15. A night out inevitably ended in...
  16. You used to be able to see this from miles around
  17. It happens every 20 years
  18. What happened to the old library on George Street?
  19. The best toy store in town was...
  20. The Northamptonshire Scout Headquarters in the Old Village was better know to us as what?

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Quiz topic: How Corby am I?