how cool are you?

There are many cool people, but few true cool people in this people like cool stuff and choose cool things in life. cool is a personality. what is cool? its some one who has a really fun and yet cool attatude in life.

are YOU cool? do you have the awesome cool personality to be given the name cool? but thanks to this great quiz your about to find out! i made this quiz and worked hard on it so please visit it i tried to make lots of questions and i hope your cool. please answer honestly. get you friends to try to its actualy pretty fun. so if you where bored and searching the net try it out please!

Created by: ryley
  1. would you rather
  2. what word do you think is best
  3. how many cool best friend do you have
  4. what is your favorite movies
  5. do you do home work on fridays
  6. what would you do if you saw a carny street preformer
  7. how long will it take you to untangle your mp3 or ipods cord
  8. how would you explain your self (answer honestly)
  9. think of one of any of the first 6 letters of the alphabet witch ever one comes first don't change it! your choices are a b c d e f
  10. if some one insalted you what would you do
  11. how would you answer the phone when your buddy calls

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Quiz topic: How cool am I?