How compatible are you with Tobias Eaton?

Have you read Divergent by Veronica Roth?! Was it your favorite book?! I know it was mine! My favorite character was Tobias Eaton and this is an easy way to see if you're compatible with him!

Would you and Tobias be deeply in love if you met?! Wanna find out?! I would take this quiz if I were you! Its even free!!!!!! What are you waiting for?! Take the quiz already!!!

Created by: shannon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you very brave?
  2. Are you very selfless?
  3. Which faction would you choose to be a part of?
  4. Are you romantic?
  5. Are you intimate?
  6. Which character are you most like?
  7. Would you sacrifice yourself for a loved one?
  8. Are you fearless?
  9. What would your aptitude test result be?
  10. Did you enjoy this test?

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Quiz topic: How compatible am I with Tobias Eaton?