How compatible are you with Sean Diaz?

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How compatible are you with Sean Diaz? You'll find out if you and Sean are the perfect couple, or if both of you are not compatible at all together. Or if at least he finds some things about you attractive

i did this quiz for you all Sean simps (like me) because i actually couldn't find any, so here i am! make sure to comments your results! i'd love to see all of them!

Created by: Sxammander
  1. What's your aesthetic?
  2. What are you looking for in a relationship?
  3. Perfect date?
  4. Are you good with kids?
  5. How would you describe yourself?
  6. what's your favourite season?
  7. How confident are you?
  8. You're at a party, and you make your first move to Sean. What do you do?
  9. You're entering the school bus, you see Sean, and on his side, there's an empty seat, you...
  10. You post a picture on instagram. Sean immediately likes it and comments: Pretty! (if he's not too shy to comment that, pretty much like Lyla encouraged him to comment) you reply with a...
  11. would you rather...
  12. How much you care about others?
  13. It's your birthday party, would you rather...
  14. What do you think about his little brother? Daniel
  15. It's Sean's birthday, would you rather...

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