How Cliche Is Your Novel?

Wanna test how cliche your novel is? This is the place to do it! Ten questions to determine your cliche-ness! I hope this works for you, its made by a wannabe author who wants to avoid cliches at all costs, so...

Why are you still reading? Get goin, my guy! (Im just gonna take up space by filling in here with a bunch of periods and commas and stuff so..../'./,)

Created by: Nikki
  1. Does your novel have a white male main character?
  2. Does your novel follow the antagonist or the protagonist?
  3. Is the love interest a blonde-haired, blue-eyes, white woman?
  4. Is your main character orphaned, raised by grandparents/adopted parents, raised by one parent, raised by older sibling, or both parents?
  5. How bad is your villain?
  6. Your main guy got a squad?
  7. Villain motive?
  8. Differing races/genders?
  9. Based in:
  10. On earth or in space

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Quiz topic: How Cliche Is my Novel?
