How chavy are you?

Since the beginning of the "naugties", the number of Chavs has risen greatly. So much so, that Chave are quite deeply embedded into today's youth culture.

Have you ever thought that you might be a chav? It's nothing to be ashamed of! I have made this quiz from the point of view of a real chavette! Find out if you too, are apart of this subculture.

Created by: Ella

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what outfit are you currently wearing?
  2. what is your drink of choice?
  3. How often do you poo yourself?
  4. Which of these musicians do you prefer?
  5. Which of the following is your preferred choice of underwear?
  6. How many BJs do you give per week?
  7. How do you obtain alcohol?
  8. Are you currently on house arrest?
  9. How many pregnancy scares have you had in your lifetime?
  10. What is your mum currently in prison for?
  11. Did you piss the bed last night?

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Quiz topic: How chavy am I?