How cat how are you?

Do you think you're a cat? Or do you know cats? Not everyone is a cat person, some people hate them or are allergic to them. Others find a deep connection or even are a cat themselves.

So want to find out where you stand? Well this quiz can tell you and it's just what you need to ful-fill your life and have no more questions. Take this catalicious quiz and you will find your true inner-cat. Have fun!

Created by: Genvi and Em
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite animal?
  2. Would you rather eat dog food or cat food?
  3. How big are your eyes?
  4. How well can you see in the dark?
  5. Do you have any cat(s)?
  6. Have you ever slept with a cat?
  7. Have you ever been in a closet with a cat on your head?
  8. What is the first thing you think of when you say the word "meow"
  9. Have you ever talked to a cat?
  10. Which one is not a difference between a male cat and a female cat?

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Quiz topic: How cat how am I?