How big is your belly?

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Hello there are hope your belly is just as jiggly as mine, mine belly is just too big!!! Haha! Are you a big gainer? I love big bellies man ...! Bro, are you ready?

Before that, are you a gainer? I am ! My belly jiggle when I jump and run . My belly jiggles when I also walk or touch it softly! Crazy right! One small touch on my belly and give my a crazy jiggles!! When I walk oh my god everyone staring at my belly ..... On time my freind ask oh man! Why your belly so jiggly? I answered: I am one of the "belly stick out man" ok ready? Let's start the quiz !

Created by: Fat gainer
  1. Slap your belly does it jiggles?
  2. Try to jump what happen to your belly?
  3. How would you describe your belly size?
  4. Try to stand straight and look down what do you see?
  5. Describe an object the look like your belly
  6. Try to push your belly in.... (Can you push it in?)
  7. Sound effect quiz... If you try to post your belly jiggle and let everyone see on YouTube... Which sound effect fits the best?
  8. Which food do you prefer?
  9. Can your belly jiggles when you walking
  10. Imagine you going to beach which one should you wear?
  11. If you are fat and someone wants to touch your belly how would you react?
  12. Final question (do you like this quiz?)
  13. The final question just now is to test are you fat! If yes, means you are if no, means you're not!

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Quiz topic: How big is my belly?

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