Are you sure you know everything about warriors?

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Welcome one, welcome all to my super duper, ultra-amazing, really fun quiz to determine once and for all how much you REALLY know warriors. I hope you enjoy!

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Created by: Warrior cats fan
  1. Who were Bluestar's kits?
  2. What was Firestar's kitypet name?
  3. Who pounced on Firestar when he hunted a mouse on Thunderclan territory?
  4. Who was Firestar's first love?
  5. Who are Firestar's kits?
  6. Who were the chosen cats to make the journey to the sun-drown place?
  7. Who was squirrelflight's first love?
  8. Who died saving the tribe from the sharptooth?
  9. Which apprentice died on the great journey?
  10. Who were jayfeather, hollyleaf, and lionblaze's parents?
  11. Who are the 'three'?
  12. Who is dovewing's father?
  13. How does firestar die?
  14. Who are the main characters in A Vision Of Shadows?
  15. Which clan falls?
  16. Which Thunderclan medicine cat died in the time period between A Vision Of Shadows and The Broken Code?
  17. Why do the medicine cats panic at the moon pool?

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Quiz topic: Am I sure you know everything about warriors?
