How badass am I?

what kind of badass are you.............................................................................................................................

are YOU a badass find out here........................................................................................................................

Created by: Tarina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are walking in school/work and you see 2 boys or girls your age beating up a 1ittle
  2. your worst enemy tripped you infront of your crush
  3. what is your catch phrase AFTER winning a fight
  4. what is your catch phrase in the beggining of a fight
  5. fav color outta these
  6. have you broke the law
  7. do you have alot of friends
  8. what is your style
  9. what do you think you are gonna get
  10. bye this is my first quiz plz give advice commect and rate (no effect)

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