How badass are you?

Many people have a bit of badass in them but few are badasses. Baddases are simply incredibly badass people who are quite frankly, badass.

Are you a badass however? Do you have what is required of a true badass? Find out now by taking this quiz! For reals. You answer 12 questions and get an answer saying how badass you are.

Created by: The Geek

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What genre of film would you fit best in?
  2. Can you do absolutely crazy things and mircaulously succed at them?
  3. Do you know any martial arts/fighting moves?
  4. Any firearm training?
  5. Are you unique or just another face?
  6. Do you think fast?
  7. Fast reflexes?
  8. Can you handle pressure well?
  9. Do you have any phrases that you use alot?
  10. Will you rate or comment? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: How badass am I?