How bad of a kid are you?

There are many good people in the world country to country state to state. But along with those people are the bad ones that can be found in juvenile hall and don't like to be messed with!

So the question is, are you a bad kid? Do you have the genes of trouble makers throughout the U.S. who knows maybe so maybe not but if you take this quiz I garantee you will find out!

Created by: issabell
  1. Which of these have you done already?
  2. Have you ever been to juvenile hall?
  3. Do you own or have used a fake ID before?
  4. Do people know you for mostly bad things or good things?
  5. Which of these have you gotten in school before?
  6. Whats the longest you ever been grounded?
  7. Have you ever shoplifted before?
  8. If the teacher left the room what would you do?
  9. Have you been banned from anywhere before?
  10. Have you been expelled before?

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Quiz topic: How bad of a kid am I?