Could You Form Your Own Country?

There are many heads of state and world leaders out there. Some great, some corrupt. Some super popular, some you don't give a damn about. You can be one too.

Can you manage your own country and hopefully not bring it into ruin? Until now you could only imagine. Thanks to THIS very political quiz however, you will see...

Created by: Aidan Jackson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You must choose a name for your country. What kind of name would it be?
  2. Is your country in Europe, America, Asia or Africa? (If it's in Europe, would it be a member of the EU?)
  3. Would you establish democracy or dictatorship?
  4. What kind of energy would your country mainly use?
  5. In the capital city of your country, what would you put around the streets?
  6. If you were head of state? Where would you live?
  7. If you were to form an alliance with another country, what kind of country would it be?
  8. Have you been in the Army before? (Therefore in your country you hold the rank of General and Supreme Captain of the Armed Forces)
  9. What are your plans for the country's future?
  10. Do you think you can manage you own country?

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Quiz topic: Could You Form my Own Country?