how bad do you need to pee? (easy)

hello! i've been using this site for years and finally decided to make my own quiz! this is pretty simple, no hard challenges or tons of waiting. if it makes you feel any better, i've been pacing around and dancing while making this quiz, so you're not alone if you gotta go!

when you're done, feel free to comment your results and/or any feedback on the quiz! if this does well, i'd like to make more in the future............

Created by: babz
  1. <3hello and welcome to my first quiz!<3on a scale of 1-10, how full would you say your bladder is right now?
  2. cool! and about how long have you been holding it?
  3. what are you doing to hold it?
  4. put the palm of your hand on your bladder- don't press down. how's it feeling?
  5. now press down on your bladder- gently for 10 seconds, then hard for 5 seconds. what happened?
  6. how are you feeling now? scroll up to the first question for descriptions
  7. having fun yet? if you answered less than 5 on the last question, have two cups of water and continue the quiz in half an hour. if you answered more than 5, have one cup and come back in 15 minutes.
  8. welcome back! how much longer do you think you can hold it?
  9. i'm making this quiz while bursting at the seams on new year's day... what's your new year's resolution?
  10. cool! last question- just got a discount on passes to the water park! wanna come with me? there's waterfalls, lazy rivers, water slides, out-of-order restrooms... it'll be fun!
  11. just kidding! THIS is the last question! how's that bladder feeling?
  12. okay i lied LMAOO take 5 minutes to imagine things like waterfalls, pools, showers, long restroom lines, a nice clean toilet...

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Quiz topic: How bad do I need to pee? (easy)

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