Awesome- (adjective) 1. expressing awe. 2. a) inspiring awe b) terrific, cool 3. ME! Duh... And maybe someday you... maybe. It all depends on if YOU fit that definition up there...

There are very few truley awesome people on this planet. Could you be one of them? Thanks to MY awesome quiz you are seconds away from finding out! So go!

Created by: ClaireMcNair
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hello!!
  2. Why are you taking this quiz?
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. Whats your favorite color?
  5. Do you use/know what the word 'OXYMORON' means?
  6. Do you have an email? If so do you get emailed often?
  7. Curfew?
  8. Do you think your awesome?
  9. Gotta phone?
  10. Married? Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Crush? Ewww?
  11. How do YOU make your 'French Dude with a Mustache' smiley emotions?
  12. Whats your catchphrase?
  13. Ok the quiz is now over. How do you feel??

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Quiz topic: How AWESOMENESS am I??