Are you Awesome?

This quiz is to test your awesomeness! We want to know if you make it so you can be on our website and receive all kinds of benefits! Go to!

So take it! Once you do you will be sent an authentic certificate of Awesomeness that you can show off to your friends! Go to so that you can recieve your certificate!

Created by: Lemi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like candy?
  2. Can you make a perfect star without lines in the middle?
  3. Are you able to do that hand thing with three fingers on one side and two on another?
  4. Do you think your great?
  5. Have you done something nice for someone?
  6. Are you popular?
  7. Have you ever had a pet?
  8. Have you ever read twilight?
  9. Whats your fave show?
  10. Why do you think you should be an awesome person?

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Quiz topic: Am I Awesome?