How awesome are you?

There are so many awesome people, tupac, Huey p. Newton, Barack Obama, dick Cheney, caillou, Barney, me (the one and only thug dolphin), Patrick swayze, black people

Are you awesome? I think you might be thug dolphin wishes you well because it is hard to be as awesome as George clooney but can you be that awesome or could you be even more awesome... Like... Beyoncé

Created by: Thug dolphin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think you are awesome?
  2. What makes you so awesome?
  3. Finish the sentence, it's not unusual to be
  4. First thing's first, who's the realest
  5. Do you love me
  6. Who is the best rapper ever
  7. Now, back on track what is your most awesome feature
  8. What is you're age?
  9. What you gender
  10. Can I have yo numba

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Quiz topic: How awesome am I?