Are you awesome?

Are you awesome? Well, what is awesome? Awesome is something or someone who is awe inspiring. Maybe you are awesome. Now you can find out with this quiz!

Are YOU awesome? Do you have people who look up to you? Until now you could only wonder if you were awesome. But thanks to this quick but amazing quiz, you can find out!

Created by: Bananagirl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you interested in...
  2. Your friend is hanging out with your boyfriend/girlfriend. You get jealous. What do you say?
  3. Your mom comes to school because you forgot your bathing suit. Everyone in class laughs. What do you do when she leaves?
  4. You love Mac n' Cheese, but your friend HATES it. It has become a big deal for you, and you don't want to be friends anymore. How do you break the news to him/her?
  5. adfsdghjlSDkp;h;lv'ETth
  6. You are cold. You state this to your boyfriend/girlfriend. He/she just says, "Oh. Okay." He/she doesn't offer his/her jacket! How do you react?
  7. Someone gets mad at you for no reason and slaps you. What do you say?
  8. random question
  9. ;aeriugoadfygoeraiyu
  10. Fave food?

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Quiz topic: Am I awesome?