How awesome are you??

Awesomeness is a mesure of how much you are liked. Awesome comes in many forms. Lots of people are awesome . I love to make quizzes like this, and awesomness is my thing.

Are you awesome? Take this quiz to discover your inner awesome! My friends, if you like pie, you could be awesome. I like pie. How about you? Sorry, off topic.

Created by: Rebecca of MARS BLOG
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. On a warm, sunny day, you would most likely
  2. When your friend invites you to a party, you decide to buy them
  3. What activity would you describe as awesome?
  4. If you were dared to ask out the person you liked, what would you say?
  5. If you could play any musical instrument, what would you choose?
  6. The most delicious food on this list is:
  7. Solve this riddle: + + + + + =15 Those same numbers equal 120 when multiplied x x x x x =120 What are the mumbers?
  8. How stupid are you?
  9. Do you like coconut cream pie?
  10. Final question: How many stuffed animals does wezi have?

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Quiz topic: How awesome am I??