How "Ado" are you? Act lll

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This quiz was created to see how well you know "Much Ado About Nothing" Act 3. This is an assginment for my class, but you are welcome to take it. :))

So, now that you know, are you ready to see how Ado are you? Whatever questions pop up, try your best, you'll do fine, and if not, enjoy some funny memes when you recieve your score!

Created by: Kayla Oliver
  1. Hero plans to convince ___________ that Benedick is in love.
  2. Hero sends _____________ to tell Beatrice that Hero and Ursula are talking about her in the orchard
  3. Who said this line? "Even she: Leonato's Hero, your Hero, every man's Hero."
  4. When Benedick's friends claim he has changed, Benedick claims to have _________________ rather than admit he is in love.
  5. The watchmen arrest these two characters after overhearing them discuss how they discredited Hero.
  6. Which character said this? "I think they that touch pitch will be defiled."
  7. Based on Dogberry's words and actions, the reader can tell that he is this type of character.
  8. Who said this? "...of this matter Is little Cupid's crafty arrow made, That only wounds by hearsay."
  9. Who does Lenonato talk to before Hero's Wedding? (More than one)
  10. How "Ado" are you?

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Quiz topic: How "Ado" am I? Act lll