homophobic quiz

are you homophobic? Lets see. - - -----------•**""::;;\£µ½<>[**":<>[^~~½:"("<½°°½:"&&:½½¶¶½::&:½½½½Yabracafrivvvindaaawbraa

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Created by: Chaos
  1. Do you respect gay people?
  2. Are you comfortable around gay people?
  3. How do you feel about transgender people?
  4. Do you feel comfortable with homophobes?
  5. Do you hate homophobes?
  6. Do you feel tempted to punch a gay?
  7. Do you hate furrys?
  8. Do you hate knowing lgbtqs exist?
  9. Do you like this quiz so far?
  10. Thanks for taking this quiz.

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