How far left are you?

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This is a quiz to test how far left you are. I hope you like the quiz and do not turn out to be an SJW. Just remember anyone that does not answer all of the question correctly is alt-right.

Trigger warning this quiz could be considered racist, MAPphobic, transphobic, classiest, robotphobic, homophobic and ageist. Do not answer the survey is you are easily offended.

Created by: Ariel
  1. Do you believe there are more than 48 genders?
  2. Do you believe that the BLM riots are justified?
  3. Should MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons) be part of the LGBT community?
  4. Is Trump a Nazi?
  5. The only people that have to worry about antifa are genuine fascists
  6. Trans women who offend should be incarcerated in female prisons.
  7. Vegans who want to ban halal and kosher slaughter are racist?
  8. Anyone that disagrees with my opinion is alt-right?
  9. We should defund the police?
  10. Can you be right wing and vegan?
  11. I would consider deleting my Netflix subscription over the new "Cuties" movie?
  12. I judge how good a movie is based on the number of diverse characters it has
  13. Voting for Trump is an act of violence against LGBT+ people?
  14. Should trans women be able to compete in women's sport?
  15. Children should be able to medically change gender?
  16. It is ok to violently attack people that disagree with my opinion?
  17. There is no such thing as private property?
  18. People of colour will not have justice until whiteness is abolished?

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Quiz topic: How far left am I?
