Hogwarts Part 14 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Hogwarts Part 14.

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  • Wow. O_O

    That's seriously all I can think to sum up your writing. The good kind of wow. The speechless kind. You might think this edition was boring on your part, but this was honestly amazing. I'm not joking when I say you have serious writing ability. Not only that, but the options had me dying of laughter! As you can imagine, I was the one constantly choosing the "toast" answers. XD You portray the characters perfectly, and you have phenomenal word choice! I love everything to do with your style and I already adore the subplot! I may be sounding dramatic, but I, for one, was blown-away by this edition. And extremely happy that it was posted! You really showed a TON of talent here! I'm going to have to do some extreme sharing with this series, because if it's not on the Top 40... ._. *goes to eat toast now*

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  • @liz_king97 Yes, actually, that option was directly inspired by you XD. I just knew you couldn't resist clicking it. I don't know what more I can say, I mean, your support of my series is just...I'm completely speechless. *wipes away tear* Thank you a million times over :,D

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  • @HogwartsLove *dies of happiness* I'm serious, I think I just died of happiness. Thank you so much. I just love you and your series. Of course, my options could never beat yours, though :).

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  • @music: awww, your welcome! I love your series, and the options just crack me up! All of them, not just the ones with Ron. :D i can't find Sage on the forums...D: I'll get her, don't you worry.

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  • thankyouthankyoutha nkyouthankyouthanky outhankyouthanakyou thankyouthankyoutha nkyouthankyouthanky outhankyouthankyout hanks!!!I loved the answer choices, one in particular:

    " ^Oh, please. You're fourteen. Besides, I'm married to Ron. (Me: *slaps forehead*)"

    ^didyo u put that in there becuase of me?! :D:D:D:D You just made my day!!!Not because of the comment, but because this got out!!!! Oh, and I was biased towards Ron the entire time!!!! XD WHY DID YOU SAY IT WAS BORING?! THAT WAS NOT BORING!!!THAT WAS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF BORING!!! Music826, I think that was the highlight of the series. You [ut all of your hardwork into it. *sniffsniff* I mean, not that you don't for every edition, but to me it seems like you doubled it. I'm gonna make sure thae i get SageParsen of here. and DeathStar. They'll love it!:D:D:D:D:D:D

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