Hogwarts love Story Part 22 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Hogwarts love Story Part 22.
*singsongy voice* I can't wait to go to the Yule Ball! ^^
hmph, I thought Ron did deserve a good kick... why THANK you Draco *kisses Draco on the cheek* (5th: it said hug... ) oops must've misread 0=)
*glowers at Rita Skeeter* no likey that lady
Part 23! Can't wait until the tasks come up too =)
I liked the questions but, no offense intended, what's with the stupid answers? A few times I have had to click one that I would rather not have because the other one is something crazy!
*sigh* Thanks for the comments guys!! But I won't have part 23 up for at least a week. Sorry :( I'll be gone,but I promise to have new ideas when I come back!! :D
I can't wait for the Yule Ball, I'm so excited! >w<
Loved it as always; keep up your great work! :D
Oh, can I go to the Yule ball with someone other than Cedric, please!?!?!? :'(
Part 23 is up :)
Mwahaha,I'm back! :D Imma go do part 23 now :)
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