Hogwarts House Sorting Quiz

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. In this quiz we are going to see which Hogwarts house you are in! There are 15 questions that you have to answer.

No pressure. Also, this quiz is not the real thing, so once you are finished head on down there and do the real thing. also send to all your friends and family!

Created by: The Queen Fairy
  1. If you could spend your time at Hogwarts in one place, where would you go?
  2. What motivates you to succeed?
  3. How do you approach a difficult challenge?
  4. What’s your favorite Hogwarts class?
  5. If you were at the Sorting Ceremony, how would you want the Sorting Hat to choose you?
  6. When facing an unknown situation, you tend to:
  7. What’s your greatest fear?
  8. How would your friends describe you?
  9. If you could have any magical power, which would you choose?
  10. You discover a secret passageway in Hogwarts. What do you do?
  11. What quality do you value most in yourself?
  12. You find a wallet on the ground. What do you do?
  13. Your house is in the lead in the House Cup. What’s your reaction?
  14. What’s your ideal job?
  15. If you were selected to represent your house in the Triwizard Tournament, how do you feel?

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