What is your Hogwarts house?

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Amongst those magical creatures' stories soon came out.... a magical world. Harry Potter is something that all people can talk about, and is so popular that they eventually make quizzes.

So what is your Hogwarts house? You don't need a real sorting hat, you will need your knowledge to do this, and your deepest thoughts. So scroll down and let's get started!

Created by: Dana
  1. You see a friend in trouble. What do you do?
  2. You are standing in front of the Sorting Hat. Which house do you want to be in?
  3. In one of the Quidditch competition, who will you be?
  4. Lalalalala! You are singing in the shower. Suddenly your best friend pulls back the curtain. What do you do?
  5. You are sleeping in your dorm when suddenly you heard knocking sounds by the window. What would you do?
  6. Happy Valentine's day! Choose someone to go to the Yule Ball.
  7. It's your birthday today! What do you you wish for?
  8. Your best friend fell into the black lake with the Mermaids! What do you do?
  9. You are sleeping in your dorm again, and you heard that noise again! But CRASH! Outsomes a dragon! WHAT do you do???
  10. And this is the last question_ how did you think of this quiz?(This has an effect on the score!)

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Quiz topic: What is my Hogwarts house?
