Heaven or hell?

Up above, there is hell and heaven. Place for the dead souls to live. A great or a bad place. Somewhere up in sky. We will all reach it someday, but not all of us goes to the same place.

Where do you go? Are you a good person that ends up in the great heaven? Or one of the ones who goes to the hell? Take this quiz to find out, so you can change it by doing something good!!!!

Created by: Negar
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hello!!
  2. When is the best?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. How do you prefer to die?
  5. Favorite fantasy character?
  6. How do you imagine hell?
  7. How do you imagine heaven?
  8. Your mum needs help in house work. Which work do you prefer to help with?
  9. Where is the best place?
  10. Do you believe in god?
  11. Which answer comes to your head faster for this situation?: You need your gun, you only have one bullet.

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